Not financial advice


Yesterday, a close friend of mine, hurt my feelings by insulting a project of mine. So now, I am using this to become a better person. This is not an Isekai title, it’s a TL;DR of what lead to this post.

This lead to me to a financially unwise decision that (thanks to the tism) I will not go back on: I will be handing out money to those that don’t ask, but give anyway. I don’t have any illusions of creating a trend here, though by all means feel free to copy me, I am doing it in the hope of keeping the FLOSS-community alive and well, in the big and the small things.

Anyway. Here is a list of where this year’s donations went12. I plan on publishing this each year going forth, and I would like to especially thank my army of 1 GitHub Sponsors for letting me feel the warm fuzzies myself that I can hopefully now pass on to some more.

Who I didn’t sponsor3:

  • rjarry for his great work at maintaining aerc
  • rockorager for all his work
  • mpv for their awesome media player
  • skraus-dev for making my keyboard colourful
  • emersion for his awesome work with Wayland and his great libraries
  • ddevault for his blog and ideas (mate, your fosspay is down)
  • my GitHub sponsor. Since they opted to remain anonymous. Still, thank you for inspiring me to do this.

Merry Christmas or whatever you are celebrating.

  1. Not listed are FLOSS SaaS things I pay for. That’s not exactly a donation, right? ↩︎

  2. These contributions are all one-offs because my financial situation does not allow for more at this point in time. ↩︎

  3. Most of them have no obvious way to sponsor them. ↩︎

Do you know better? Have a comment? Great! Let me know by sending an email to ~mpldr/

If you feel like it, you can Liberapay receiving, or GitHub Sponsors.
Unless stated otherwise the texts of this website are released under CC-BY and code-snippets are released into the public domain.
© Moritz Poldrack

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