Interesting Links

created (updated in this commit)

What exactly is this?

This page can be seen as somewhat of a public notebook where I keep links that interest me. I try to keep them sorted but no guarantees there.


  • Maybe some best practices to take from this [LINK]


  • Linus Torvalds
    • TED-Interview with some interesting insights into his mode of work [LINK]
    • The Linux Kernel Code-Style [LINK]



  • Why web-analytics need a revolution [LINK]

Programming Languages

  • Go
    • Rob Pike on Go 2 Draft Specs [LINK]
    • looks nice, but has way to many trackers for me [LINK]


    • Apparently I’m a geek [LINK]
  • Linus Torvalds
    • “I’m not a visionary, I’m an engineer”1

Do you know better? Have a comment? Great! Let me know by sending an email to ~mpldr/

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© Moritz Poldrack

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