Container Policy
Image-hosting is graciously provided by Container Registry, a heart-felt thank you to them for providing this service. Images are not uploaded to Docker Hub, because why on earth would I use a proprietary platform, when an Open-Source one is willing to help out.
If you are looking for a platform to host your images on, I suggest strongly you give them a try. Working with Harbor is amazing. They also provide a pay-as-you-go version through Exoscale.
Containers usually have the following tags:
(the latest tagged version)devel
(the latest commit built)1
(matching a major version in a project following SemVer)x.y.z
(matching a specific tagged version)x.y.z-[offset]-g[hash]
1 (a specific commit)[hash]
2 (a specific commit before a version is tagged)
Images are automatically scanned for vulnerabilities on submission and are prevented from running if known vulnerabilities classified as High or Critical are found. Continuous checks are not performed. It is assumed that users of the provided images update their software.