
created (updated in this commit)

What cookies are used on this website?


What cookies are used on affiliated websites?

This list is intended as a general overview and should not be considered up-to-date. It is my strict policy to only use cookies that are technically required. If you find any kind of discrepancy, please contact me so I can remedy it.

CSRF and Session cookies.1,

CSRF and Session cookies.

Also, a cookie containing the callback URL that is used during login, so the front end can access it.

A connection ID, session, userID, and CSRF token. All required for the proper operation of the application.

A session ID.

Pages hosted on my infrastructure by others

It is not possible for me to accurately assess and enumerate cookies on their sites. Please refer to their websites.

  1. These cookies are necessary for technical reasons and therefore do not require consent (see Art. 6 §§ 1a and 1b of the GDPR). ↩︎

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© Moritz Poldrack

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