
Makefiles for the Makefile-Lazy Go developer

(Feb. 6, 2024) How bad Makefiles `make` your experience bad.

Your system is not stable, it's outdated

(Jan. 17, 2024) Why I think 'stability' is a terrible metric and not useful how it is applied to Linux Distros. And a small rant on what idiotic 'stable' systems I've seen in the wild.

How to get rid of your advertising revenue by advertising

(Dec. 9, 2023) What advertisers don't get about users

Managers should stay out of IT

(Aug. 11, 2023) Why business decisions are rarely good for the product

A little rant about time

(Mar. 27, 2022) why I hate DST

Don't call it Free Software

(Aug. 20, 2021) On the issue of words

Indent with tabs

(Jun. 23, 2021) why is that so damn hard?!

Be careful how you choose your tools

(Mar. 27, 2021) How to get to the correct tool for the job.

The open-source mindset

(Feb. 26, 2021) Just my two cents on what I think Open Source should look like

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